Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sammy Adams Concert 9/17/2011

Sam Adams getting the crowd going
Sammy Adams
Today in South Campus Quad The Concert for Causes was held by our own SUBOG concert committee. Our own Dj Manni opened for Sammy Adams, he got the crowd going with his electro style music and he pumped up the crowd while everyone was waiting in anticipation for Sam Adams! Finally when Sam Adams came out onto the stage he gave a phenomenal performance!!! Not only did he praise us for our amazing basketball team, he even got the crowd going with one of our UCONN chants! He performed brand new songs and even favorites such as "I hate college". Sophomore Cate Reid stated, " I love Sammy Adams! He is adorable and I love all his songs!" Both artists did a great job for such an important cause. It was truly a great show.
DJ Manni

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